Q: When do the Supervisors meet and can I attend their meeting?
A: Board Meetings are held the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 pm. It is a public meeting; all are welcome to attend.
Q: Where can I get information for Hopewell Township, Washington County?
A: The Hopewell Township website is a good source for finding information for Hopewell Township, Washington County. If you can not find something that you are looking for on the website, please call the Township Office at 724-345-3333 for assistance.
Q: Do I need a building permit to add a room, deck, or garage? What other permits are necessary in the Township?
A: Permit information can be found on the Township’s Website under the “Information” tab and then choosing “Application and Permits Zoning/Building/Subdivisions” and by contacting the Township Office at 724-345-3333. You can also contact the Township Zoning and Building Code Official Mark Gordon at 412-997-1596 and the Township Building Code Official Tammy Stenson at 724-439-8110 for more information.
Q: Does the Township require a dye test for the transfer of property?
A: Yes, the Township requires a dye test. Please contact the Washington County Sewage Council for more information at 724-223-0504. A dye test must be performed before the transfer of property. Should the property not pass a dye test performed by the Washington County Sewage Council, the property may not be transferred as per Township ordinance and is in violation of the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act until repairs are made to the system or other action acceptable to the Washington County Sewage Council has been taken.
Q: How much is a Township Municipal Lien Letter?
A: A Municipal Lien Letter is $20.00 made payable to Hopewell Township.
Q: Who do I contact if I believe there is a violation of Township Ordinance?
A: The Township’s Code Enforcment Officer Mark Gordon should be contacted at 412-997-1596.
Q: How would I go about submitting a complaint to the Township?
A: Complaints can be submitted in person, in writing or via telephone to the Township. Please be prepared to provide your name, address, telephone number and the nature of your complaint. If the complaint pertains to a specific property, please provide the address and property owners name.
Q: What do I do if I see someone littering in the Township?
A: If you witness littering in the Township, please provide the Township with the location of the littering, a description of the person(s), vehicle and the license plate (if possible) that you believe were littering. Please report this information to the Township Office at 724-345-3333.
Q: Who do I contact for a stray animal?
A: Animal Control John Sheldon 412-973-0089
Q: Where can I find the Township’s Ordinances?
A: Township Ordinances can be found on the Hopewell Township Ordinances eCode360 Link: https://www.ecode360.com/HO3808
Q: Does Hopewell have Zoning?
A: Yes
Q: How do I obtain a Hopewell Township Zoning Ordinance Binder?
A: At the township Building at a cost of $20.00
Q: Who do I make checks out to for payment to the Township?
A: All checks for payment to the Township should be made payable to “Hopewell Township.”
Q: Is there an elected Tax Collector in Hopewell Township?
A: Yes, Hopewell Township has an elected Tax Collector. Beverly Paul can be reached at 724-345-3555. Township Real Estate and Per Capita Tax questions should be directed to the elected Tax Collector. Payments for Real Estate Tax and Per Capita Tax will not be accepted at the Township Office. All payments must go through the elected Township Tax Collector.
Q: Where do I vote in Hopewell Township?
A: At the Municipal building located 20 Parkview Rd, Avella, PA 15312.
Q: Does Hopewell Township have a Comprehensive Plan?
A: Yes-It is called the Multi-Municipal Comprehensive Plan for Townships of Canton, Hopewell, North Franklin, and West Middletown Borough. It was adopted by the Supervisors of Hopewell 10/14/13.